After Sales Service
How can I contact the After sale department?
For any enquiries regarding your S.T. Dupont product, please contact our customer service team:
Email: customerservice@st-dupontusa.com
Office hours: Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm / Friday 9am-4pm
How to repair my S.T. Dupont product?
Regardless of whether the problem encountered with your S.T. Dupont product is covered by our guarantee, or whether your guarantee has expired, please proceed with the following link the the Authorized US Distributor in the United States, Coles of London.
S.T. Dupont can only undertake repairs on your product if you enclose the document included when you received your order when sending your product:
1) Your complete and correct personal details
2) If the product is under warranty, you must also include your warranty card and the receipt for your purchase.
We encourage you to send your parcel via a tracked shipping service. We cannot be held responsible for the loss of your parcel if you use a delivery method without a tracking service.
Is the customer service covered by a guarantee?
The operation carried out by S.T. Dupont customer service is covered by a warranty of twelve (12) months, including parts and labor, from the date of the piece leaving the repairs workshop.
What are the customer service costs?
Please following the link to the authorized distributor Coles of London for pricing and conditions on all customer service repairs.
Once my S.T. Dupont product has been sent to the After sale service, what happens?
Upon receipt and after assessment:
- If the defect is included in the guarantee: repairs will be carried out free of charge
- If the defect is not included in the guarantee: a quote stating the cost of the necessary repairs will be sent to you by email. We will only begin repairs after you accept the quote.
What happens if my S.T. Dupont product cannot be repaired?
If, after examination, it is decided that your product cannot be repaired, you will be sent a letter explaining the fault, together with your product in its present condition.